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"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life"

John 3:16


The truth of the Gospel message is so simple. We are all separated from God because of our sin, the result of which is emptiness, guilt, and punishment. Our very existence was a state of emergency and we were all destined for a terrible future.  But God so loved us so much that despite our failings He sent His own Son to die in our place and to make a way for us to be able to be with Him forever.


You see, in our lives, we all do things that don't please God. God is holy and that means that He cannot be in the presence of liars, thiefs, adulterers, murderers, haters, fornicators, backbiters, or even angry people. God is love, and the part of us that is broken - that is, the fallen part of us that contains sin - is something that seperates us from God.


What Jesus did was come to take on the punishment for our sins. He became our sins, so we could become His righteousness. it was a totally unfair exchange, on HIS part! He gave up everthing so we could gain everything. And the only think you have to do to receive His gift is ask. 


You might be looking at yourself in the mirror and wondering if Christ is big enough to take you on.


He is.


There is nothing you are, nothing you have done, and nothing you could ever say that could keep Jesus from loving you enough to be your Savior.


So if you're ready to begin the most beautiful love story of all time, simply pray this prayer:

"Jesus, I need You. I know that You died for my sins and I need Your forgiveness. Please come into my life and change my heart so I can love You and be with You forever."


If you have just prayed that for the first time, we would like to welcome you into the family of God! You have been adopted into His family! And the best part is that your sins have been forgiven and forgotten!


Please let us know if you have asked Jesus to be your Savior, and we would love to send you a free booklet about what to do next!

Bless you in the name of Jesus


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